Dry and aromatic pollen resin rich in CBD, very light and mouldable. Formula obtained from mechanical processing at different microns of the best selection of buds.
A new hash that is very pleasant and easy to handle, milk chocolate on the outside and lighter on the inside.
Its fresh consistency and unique fragrance are the characteristics that make Choco hash cbd one of the most popular hash.
Dry pollen resin, very clear and perfumed, with a soft and mouldable consistency. Formula obtained by combining several mechanical processes at different microns of the best selections of buds.
King Palm Lemon Haze - 2 Rolls (1GR)
Blunts pre-liados a mano con una capacidad de un gramo.
Con solo presionar su filtro harás estallar una pequeña burbuja llena de terpenos con sabor a limón.
Blunts Juicy Hemp Wraps hechos de papel de cáñamo listos para rellenar y fumar y dar un toque de sabor único a tus Blunts. Este producto es muy demandado entre los clientes jóvenes. Ofrece a tus clientes Juicy Hemp Wraps Tropical
Nuevos conos de King Palm llenos de terpenos
Solo tienes que rellenar prensar y fumar pero no te olvides de presionar la boquilla.
Ya disponibles los nuevos mini rollos de King Palm con sabor a margarita.